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We are going to discuss what is the SABER certificate. It went viral in the importing market worldwide that SABER is an establishment that offers certificates for imported products that will be traded by the Saudi government. Is it wrong or correct information?
Is it SASO or SABER certificate?
- Some of the importers have a wrong understanding of conformity certificates in Saudi Arabia where they believe that the establishment that grants them is called SABER.
- For that reason, we are asking the question What is a SABER certificate? However, the truth is that the establishment that grants the conformity certificate is called the Saudi Standards Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO).
- The Saber certificate, also known as the certificate of conformity, is an official document issued by accredited conformity assessment bodies in Saudi Arabia like Tabseer.
- It is proved that any imported product meets the technical regulations and specifications established by the Saudi Standards Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO).
- The primary purpose of the Saber certificate or SASO certificate is to ensure that imported products comply with safety, health, and quality standards, thereby safeguarding consumers in Saudi Arabia.
what is the SABER certificate? is our question and conformity certificates are our main content.
How to obtain a SABER certificate?
In Saudi Arabia, importers are required to have a Saber certificate for certain products to ensure that they adhere to the country’s technical regulations and specifications.
This certification process is enforced by the Saudi government to uphold stringent safety and quality standards, thereby enhancing consumer protection and promoting fair trade practices.
The products that may require Saber certification include a wide range of consumer goods such as:
- Home appliances (e.g., refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, and televisions).
- Vehicle spare parts.
- Lighting and LED products.
- Textiles.
- Electrical and electronic devices.
- Building materials.
- Toys and children’s products.
- Personal care products.
- Certain food and beverages that fall under specific regulatory requirements.
How to obtain a SABER certificate? is a widespread question that needs some rectification. scroll down for more reading to learn about the truth of SABER Certification.
Types of SABER certification
1. Contrary to what the majority in the conformity field believe, SABER is not an establishment that grants conformity certificates, it is an electronic platform in Saudi Arabia designed to streamline the process of ensuring that products entering the Saudi market meet the Kingdom’s regulatory and safety standards.
2. Managed by the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO), SABER facilitates the registration and issuance of conformity certificates for both products and shipments.
3. The platform is part of the Saudi Product Safety Program (SALEEM), which aims to enhance consumer safety, improve product quality, and promote fair trade practices.
4. By using SABER, importers and local manufacturers can obtain the Product Certificates. Product certificates in Saudi Arabia encompass various types designed to ensure that products comply with the Kingdom’s technical regulations and standards.
5. The main categories include the Product Certificate of Conformity (PCoC) and the Shipment Certificate of Conformity (SCoC). The PCoC is issued for individual products after they have been thoroughly tested and verified against relevant standards, ensuring their safety, quality, and compliance before they enter the Saudi market.
6. The SCoC, on the other hand, is required for each shipment of goods being imported into Saudi Arabia, certifying that the consignment complies with the established regulations. This two-tier certification system aims to safeguard consumer interests, enhance product quality, and streamline trade by ensuring that all imported goods meet the necessary safety and quality benchmarks.
Is the SQM affiliated with the SABER platform?
- What is a Saber certificate? we mentioned everything that relates to the PCoC Certificate and the CoC certificate that could be obtained through registration in the SABER platform, but you need to be aware that the Saudi Quality Mark could be obtained through SABER platform as well.
- The Saudi Quality Mark (SQM) is connected to the SABER platform. SABER is an online platform created by the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO) to simplify the process of registering and obtaining conformity certificates for products entering the Saudi market.
- The SQM is a mark that shows a product’s compliance with Saudi standards and regulations, and its certification process can be managed through the SABER platform. Upon obtaining the Saudi Quality Mark, the product is automatically
- registered on the Saber Electronic Platform for free.
Now, we can declare that we covered, as much as we can, the essential points of the answer to the frequently asked question What is a Saber certificate?