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What are the advantages of obtaining the Saudi Quality Mark (SQM)? Saudi Arabia is working to raise the quality level of goods available in its markets and therefore has set some standards that comply with global market standards, in addition to some preferences that are compatible with their local nature.
The Saudi Quality Mark certificate is a clear expression of these standards, and therefore all companies, whether local or international, must strive to obtain it so that they can put their goods on the market.
Through The Saudi Quality Mark (SQM), any company can distinguish itself in the Kingdom’s markets and demonstrate its compliance with the ISO/IEC standard. 17067, which is internationally recognized. Thus, the Saudi Quality Mark expresses the companies’ commitment to providing distinctive goods to their customers throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
What exactly is the Saudi Quality Mark (SQM)?
The Saudi Quality Mark is a certification mark that confirms that a product available in the Saudi market meets the required specifications. It is issued by the Saudi National Organization for Standardization (SASO) to indicate compliance with SASO standards, regardless of whether the product is manufactured in Saudi Arabia or imported. The mark ensures that the factory producing the product has an effective management system that guarantees ongoing adherence to these standards.
It is crucial for manufacturers and importers to understand that the Saudi Quality Mark (SQM) is awarded only to products that meet SASO standards, as well as other international and regional standards. In addition, the factories responsible for producing these products must operate using an effective management system that guarantees continuous adherence to all local, regional, and global standards. Furthermore, there are specific procedures that must be followed to obtain the Saudi Quality Mark (SQM).
Manufacturers and importers need to conduct a thorough evaluation of their products. This includes a comprehensive assessment of the manufacturer and their quality system for the production process of goods. It is worth noting that the SQM certificate is valid for three years, but it is subject to an annual surveillance inspection. Therefore, manufacturers and importers must understand and comply with the SQM guidelines to maintain the certification’s validity.
Advantages of obtaining the Saudi Quality Mark (SQM)
According to the Saudi Standards, Metrology, and Quality Organization, there are numerous benefits and advantages to obtaining the Saudi quality mark (SQM) on goods. These can be summarized in nine points:
1 – Guides consumers in purchasing goods that conform to the standard specifications of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
2- SQM products gain consumer satisfaction and confidence
3- It helps increase sales
4 – It makes it easier for companies and factories to conclude export agreements with foreign countries
5 – Manufacturers are encouraged to develop and improve the product so that they can compete in local and global markets
6 – It works to qualify establishments to obtain local and international quality awards
7 – Enhancing the fame and reputation of establishments locally, regionally, and internationally
8 – It works to streamline the movement of goods through customs ports
9- It contributes to increasing the volume of Saudi exports to global markets
The Saudi Standards, Metrology, and Quality Organization (SASO) has approved the Saudi Quality Mark (SQM) to demonstrate that goods conform to Saudi standard specifications and are characterized by an appropriate quality system.
History of SQM
The Saudi Customs Authority began requesting the Saudi Quality Mark (SQM) in 2020 so that it is extracted from the comprehensive quality management of electrical and electronic products. The importance of this certificate stems from it being a confirmation that any product or commodity complies with SASO standards and that it is manufactured in a factory that adheres to an effective management system.
To ensure continuous compliance, the Saudi Quality Mark (SQM) certificate is based on the ISO/IEC 17067 Class 5 certification system and applies to all imported products that enter the local market through customs, in addition to locally manufactured products.
The commitment to issue the Saudi Quality Mark certificate on extension sockets came into effect in August 2020, in order to meet the requirements of the Saudi Standard SASO 2815 in order to enter the Saudi market.
On August 20, 2021, the latest version of SASO 2815:2021 was officially announced, replacing the old SASO 2815:2010, and became mandatory on February 20, 2022. Companies rushed to obtain SQM or update their certificates according to the latest version to maintain their validity.
Is the SQM Mandatory?
Obtaining the Saudi Quality Mark (SQM) certificate is mandatory for both local and imported products and goods that are intended to be distributed within the Saudi market. This certificate serves as proof that the company or factory, whether local or international, is committed to meeting both international safety and quality standards, as well as Saudi local standards. SASO, awarded by the Saudi Standards, Metrology, and Quality Organization, oversees the conformity activities of companies.
Tabseer Company has extensive experience in managing conformity assessments in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. If you need assistance in obtaining the SQM certificate, you can contact us for a consultation to guide you through the procedures.
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