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Tabseer signs a cooperation protocol with “Engineering Export Council of Egypt” to increase the penetration of the sector’s products in the Kingdom
Posted on December 12, 2022
Tabseer signs a cooperation protocol with “Engineering Export Council of Egypt” to increase the penetration of the sector’s products in the Kingdom
Today, Thursday, 12/3/2020, Saudi Tabseer Company signed a cooperation protocol with the Export Council for Engineering Industries, to facilitate the entry of Egyptian exports from the engineering sector to the Kingdom, as well as support Egyptian companies to access all Gulf markets.
It was signed on the part of the Saudi Tabseer Company, Emad Issa, the managing director of the company, and on the side of the Export Council, Mai Helmy, Executive Director, in the presence of Engineer Hani El Desouky, Executive Director of the National Council for Accreditation (EGAC).
Archive photo May Helmy
May Helmy, Executive Director of the Export Council for Engineering Industries said during the meeting that according to this protocol, Tabseer will contribute to helping Egyptian companies enter the Saudi market with their products by granting them the necessary certificates, noting that this signature comes at a very good time for Egyptian companies in light of the ban on entering Turkish products. For the Kingdom, which gives a greater opportunity for engineering companies during the coming period, noting that the sector’s exports to Saudi Arabia are $ 133 million during 2019 and this number can rise in the coming period.

She pointed out that according to this protocol, Tabseer will grant the SASO certificate to companies, which is a required certificate in most Gulf countries, and everyone is now demanding quality certificates, whether equipment safety certificates, energy certificates or general quality certificates, and this is what we seek to facilitate for all companies Egyptian.

Helmy explained that Tabseer is accredited by the Saudi Quality Authority, which makes all the certificates issued by it suitable for entry and entry into Egyptian exports not only in the Gulf countries, but in the Middle East and North African markets.

For his part, Emad Issa, Managing Director of Tabseer Company, said that engineering products, including machines, appliances, electrical equipment and parts thereof came at the forefront of products that are imported in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which represents a promising opportunity for manufacturers and exporters in Egypt to enter this promising market, whose size approaches 30 billion riyals. It is the monthly value of engineering goods that are imported from abroad into Saudi Arabia, and it is an opportunity for Egyptian products to increase their share of sales of engineering goods in the Saudi market, which is in line with the direction of the Engineering Industry Export Council to increase the value of Egyptian exports abroad, especially the Gulf countries. Foremost among them is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which represents the largest economy and the largest market in the region.
Archive photo Emad Issa
He added that, given the control measures imposed by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to confirm the conformity of imported goods to the Saudi market and to enhance the safety of the products offered in it, one of the most important means of competition to obtain a high share in this market and gain the confidence of consumers is to prove the quality of the products exported to the Kingdom, and to apply the requirements of the regulations. Saudi technical and standard specifications and adherence to the procedures applied by the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization and Saudi Customs, by obtaining prior shipment conformity certificates from approved and accepted bodies based on test reports issued by accredited laboratories, registering products on the Saber platform and a platform to clear the correct numbers in the customs coding according to For the type of commodity as determined by the relevant technical regulation, so that goods imported into the Saudi market can enter and release easily at entry points into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The cooperation between Tabseer and the Engineering Industries Export Council represented in this agreement is focused on supporting cooperation between them to increase the opportunities for Egyptian engineering products to enter the Saudi market and expand their sales base in it in a professional manner, and the two parties will seek to achieve the interests of all parties, apply the technical requirements and benefit from Tabseer services and experiences in applying The requirements of the Saudi technical regulations, achieving the safety and quality of products and protecting their users from risks in order to overcome obstacles for Egyptian exporters to enter the Saudi market and introduce them to the export requirements and certificates required for the product in accordance with the Saudi technical regulations and to register the products on the Saber electronic platform after classifying them according to the most appropriate harmonized customs code to facilitate their clearing from customs ports upon their arrival To the Kingdom and achieve the largest export share to the Saudi market.
He pointed out that a number of services will be provided to Egyptian companies, the most prominent of which is that companies will be billed in the Egyptian pound and not in dollars, in order to preserve the Egyptian currency during the coming period as a kind of return to Egypt, especially in light of the distinguished relations between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Arab Republic of Egypt.
